Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why is she wearing that dress?

I took David James into church with me on Sunday so that he could hear Claire sing in the children's choir.

As we sat there waiting for church to start, he amused himself by point out the people around us that he knew. When Kama, wearing her robe, started the service by reading from the liturgy, David blurted out, "Why is she wearing that dress?"

Good to be reminded of things that I don't notice anymore.

Not so good to be trying to keep David quiet when he found out I forgot the peppermints.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Spending the afternoon together

The boys are napping and Claire and I are making crafts together. The table is covered with craft supplies - beads, buttons, necklace string, Q-tips, markers. Right now we're gluing beads onto old CDs.

Claire takes a break from her work. "I see two fans on the ceiling Mom" she tells me. Then, in an almost reverent tone, she explains, "When you cross your eyes, you can see two of everything!"