Wednesday, May 13, 2009

claire wants her own space

Our three kids all share one bedroom.

This seems to be working well, aside from the hour long parties that they have when we put them to bed. Last night, it was a "rain party". Claire tore up multiple sheets of paper and threw them off her top bunk, making them rain down on David's bed and the floor. Jacob, not to miss out on the fun, stood up in his crib and laughed with delight.

Claire, however, just might need her own space. As I've written about before, her bed has become "her" little world. At first, she kept a few stuffed animals by her pillow. Then she added blankets and little pillows for them. Then it was little boxes of treasures. And now, the head of her bed AND the side of her bed are full of boxes, paper, trinkets, special things, and the list goes on. Have I mentioned that there's also a boom box at the foot of her bed with two buckets full of stuff on top of it?

The other night she told me that she wished she had two beds. She immediately corrected herself and changed the number to three. Why? She has plans to put her entire dresser up in one of her beds "so the boys don't get into it".

I'm thinking we might need to honor her desire for a little more space...

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