Thursday, July 9, 2009

David and the roll of peppermints

I'm not sure if the third time is the charm but I managed to survive my third trip to my parents sans Jon.

I bribed. I overindulged my kids with candy. I bought them lots of timbits. I let them listen to the Robert Munsch storytelling CD seven times even though I was annoyed with it the first time. At one point in the trip when all three of them were either whining, crying or complaining, I put in a Natalie Merchant CD and turned up the music very loud.

But, all in all, it was another great experience.

Here are two David memories.

On the drive to Stouffville, I remember (as I think back on it) that he was very quiet for a two hour stretch. At the time I assumed he was just listening to the music. As I cleaned up the car after getting to my parents though, I realized just what was keeping him quiet. We had stopped at my grandparents' place in Sarnia and they had given us a roll of peppermints to take with us. Somehow that brand new roll of peppermints ended up in David's possession. As I discovered, he entertained himself during that two hour stretch by sampling every since peppermint in that roll. Some were dissolved in various stages - they were nicely placed in a semi-circle around his car seat. Others must have been consumed in their entirety.

On the drive home, I tried to limit his sugar intake. I gave a rather large bag of trail mix to David and had a long talk wit him about ratios, about how he needed to eat five nuts or raisins for every M&M and how he WASN"T allowed to eat all the M&Ms. Once again, as I recall, there was a stretch of our trip home when David was very quiet. At the time, I think I assumed he was busy counting. When I got home and discovered the bag of trail mix, I found out that dear David did not grasp the concept of ratios but that he had taken to heart my command to not eat all the M&Ms. There was one M&M left in the bag. The bag was still full.

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