Friday, June 18, 2010

David's imagination

It seems that David is developing quite the imagination lately.

"I have a button that I can push and then my eyes pop out" he told Claire the other day.

The ever practical older sister asked him if she could see it.

His reply? "I can only use the button at night." He then elaborated on his idea (probably because he noticed that he had garnered quite the audience. "I can also push a button and pop my head out. All my body parts. And then I go down on a waterslide..."

David's competitive nature is also coming through more and more these days.

"I'm smarter than you" he told our 8 year old neighbor friend Angela.

"You are?" she challenged "What's 30 + 2?"

"I know it. But I can only say it when I'm sleeping"

1 comment:

Wicker Family said...

I love it! What a character!