Monday, October 20, 2008

Family game night

Our Sunday night family game night tradition has been going strong.

David generally picks the game "Have you seen my cat?" (which is hard to do with only 3 people in the circle but for some reason he LOVES playing it)

Jacob loves it when we sit him in the middle of our circle and sing "Ring Around the Rosie" around him.

Claire has been experimenting with her own made up games. Yesterday it was one that she modified from her music class. She distributed 3 objects to each of us (Jon, David and me) while we closed our eyes. She then calls out "Who has _____?" and we have to show the object if we have it.

I've taken it as my duty to introduce new games and activities. Last week we did Sculpturades with play dough. Last night we did finger puppet shows for each other.

We laugh a lot when we do family game night.
It's good.
For all of us.

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