Friday, January 30, 2009

Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang - Van Duinen style

Richler's classic, Jacob Two-Two..., has now become part of our family vocabulary.

"Pretend you're the Hooded Fang" Claire said to me today during lunch. And so, I acted out our Van Duinen version (which ended up being a mix between the book's description of the Hooded Fang and the waitress character named Mrs. Francois - the character that the kids love for me to act out whenever we have moments like this. My acting career ended in middle school. Mrs Francois is the extent of my repertoire.)

Claire's favorite part of the story is when the Hooded Fang starts crying and wails, "I want my mommy." I talked with her about my idea to have a mother daughter book club when she gets older. After I described what people do in a book club, she thought for a moment and then started giggling. "If we had a book club about Jacob Two-Two, I would want to talk about how the Hooded Fang cries and wants his mommy" she said barely able to contain herself.

A delightful book - one that I enjoyed (re)reading as much as Claire did.

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