Thursday, February 12, 2009

Matters of the heart

Dancing with delight is how I often describe what we do when we hear that family members/friends have had babies.

This week, we've been dancing with delight over the arrival of Gloria Zuidema, the fourth child of my dear friend Sandra and her wonderful husband Tim.

I've been following their blog for awhile because rather early on in Sandra's pregnancy they found out that there were lots of complications with Gloria's heart.

This week, as the kids and I said their bedtime prayers, we prayed for Gloria. I then explained to them that we'll need to pray for her a lot because her heart doesn't work as well as ours. I explained that Gloria has 2 holes in her heart, that part of her heart didn't grow as much as it should have.

From the top bunk, Claire piped up, "Is Jesus still in her heart?"

Yes indeed my darling Claire, he is. I think even more so.

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