Thursday, April 8, 2010

who's the boss?

for better or for worse, i've been using "the boss" terminology.

when we have a sitter over, i'll often tell the kids that when i'm gone, the sitter is "the boss". i then go into the list. "claire, you're the second boss. david, you're the third boss". and then, because jacob is screaming "jacob, jacob, jacob" because he wants to be included, i always add "and jacob you're the fourth boss".

today claire and david were fighting over something, i don't even remember what it was. i told them that i was going to take it away. "it's not fair" david retorted.
"it is because i'm the boss" i said.

"mom. you're not the boss" he said with a very serious look on his face.

"oh yeah? who is then"

"Jesus is the biggest boss" he said. then he walked back outside.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha! You've taught him well. Might this kid become a lawyer?