Friday, September 3, 2010

steps away from us

claire was itching to go to school this morning. "when can we go?" she kept asking as i was trying to feed eli, clean up the breakfast dishes, get jacob and david dressed, pack claire's lunch and put a few dabs of makeup on my face.

when we got there, we put her stuff in her locker and then went to her desk. as i was leaving, claire started hanging on my arm really tightly. and then, the tears came. "don't go mama" she said. "i want to stay with you"

her kind teacher gave her a hug and gently led her into the classroom. i waved good-bye and watched her enter the world of her first grade year, a world she's ready to enter, but a world that's new and different for her, for all of us.

i stood there waving, and then, my tears came.

parenting is about letting go - i know that. it's about letting go and blessing our children in the new steps they take. i think that this morning i had the realization, in the depths of my heart, that those steps are often steps away from us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got me crying on this one. I'm not sure if I'm ready for the letting go that preschool brings just next week.