Friday, May 23, 2008

Building up our repetory

Claire and I finished reading Ramona Quimby the Pest.

It seemed apt to be reading it while we were hanging out with my sister Danielle who had many Ramona-like moments in her childhood (I must admit that as we were looking at some of her old pictures and laughing about her funny experiences I was jealous as my childhood memories seem to typify the Beezus character in the book, the "boring" older sister).

In one of my books about children's literature, the author writes that reading books together with your kids is important to do because it increases your repertory of shared experiences/stories/names/places etc.

It's true.

Claire and I have shared quite a few laughs lately as we've referenced characters/stories that we've read in the last few months. We "boinged" Auntie Dan's hair (just like Ramona does to Susan), Claire pointed out a little piece of Kleenex and said it would be perfect for Stuart Little, and we made "mushy gushy Valentines" like what Junie B. Jones got.

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