Monday, May 5, 2008

Of taking Tulip Time photos

This evening Jon and I dressed all three kids in Dutch costumes and tried to take a few photos of them.

We got a few good shots but I have to admit that it was not exactly a fun experience for me.

First of all, I couldn't figure out what went where. Claire's dress had a white lace thing that didn't seem to fit anywhere and her lace hat had two parts to it that didn't seem to go together. David's outfit was five sizes too big. We could barely get Jacob's on without him trying to put the entire shirt in his mouth. We had to enlist Grandma Elaine's help from across the street.

Then, I got stressed out at trying to get all three kids to look at the camera at the same time. After this proved to be next to impossible, I tried to make sure that nobody was crying while Jon snapped a few pictures. That stressed me out too.

Here's the kicker.

My favorite picture of the unsuccessful and overly stressful photo shoot was one that Jon took right outside our front door (right after I yelled at him for taking a picture of the kids in their incorrectly assembled Dutch costumes). It's of David looking at a tulip. Nothing fancy. Just a great shot of a kid checking out a beautiful yellow tulip.

Nothing stressful about that.

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