Sunday, June 8, 2008

Of weddings and things...

I remember when Jon and I got married and my mom and dad gave us a long list of names of people they wanted to come (it probably wasn't long but it felt like that to me!).

Yesterday Jon and I went to the wedding of the son of one of our friends. Our names were on that long list of parents' friends that the bride and groom "had" to invite.

It felt right to be there, to be there more for our friends than for the bride and groom. As I sat there in the back of the church nursing Jacob, I teared up as I watched our friends walk their grown son down the aisle. All those late night feedings, those discussions when the kids are in bed about how best to parent, all the worries and joys and fears and hopes wrapped up together in a celebration of a child leaving his parents and starting his own family.

As I watched all of the college friends of the bride and groom interact, I reflected on the 10 years that have passed since I graduated from college. I remember that sense of possibility, of having the world at your feet, of being overwhelmed at the many different paths my life could have taken.

And, as I listened to the sermon on marriage, I reflected on my own marriage. It's good to hear wedding sermons through the lenses of one's own marriage. It's good to remember your own excitement on your wedding day. It's good to hear the vows again. It's good to celebrate God's goodness and faithfulness in marriage relationships.

It was a great wedding.

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