Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tone of voice...

Sometimes I wonder if what I say to the kids ever gets through to them.

One thing I've been working on with Claire is the tone of her voice when she asks for something, or expresses discontent (complains). I've been telling her that some of the ways she says things isn't respectful to me or to others. And, I wasn't sure if she was actually getting it.

Last night, in a moment of frustration (I was decoupaging pictures on a stool for my niece Tianna and getting glue everywhere), I told the kids to "back off and give me some space". Yup. I really said that.

Claire immediately retorted: "If you use that tone of voice again, I will not give you the picture."

1 comment:

Wicker Family said...

Once again, it is like reading about my own life! Thanks for reflecting on your own kiddos and helping me feel that I'm not in this alone:-) I keep meaning to call. . . I'll do that soon!
