Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A whole new world (s)

Yesterday I took Claire's sheets off her bed to wash them.

As I was doing so, I discovered, or perhaps better put, unearthed, dozens of carefully organized stacks, piles, groups, and line-ups of toys, hair accessories, dolls, stuffed animals, and special treasures.

I just finished reading a book about an anthropologist so "fieldwork" and learning about new civilizations was on my mind. I couldn't help but be amazed at this little world that Claire had created for herself up in her top bunk.

It was so carefully designed. It was so intentionally placed.

It was so Jon :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This made me smile! I bet Jon is proud. My step-dad (former engineer) gets so excited when Jilliann takes apart a pen and loves to watch her figure out how things work.