Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My dirty secret

OK. I'm not proud of it but I'll admit it.

I bribe.

I tried the "intrinsic motivation" approach, an approach I wholeheartedly support in theory but after Claire got toilet trained because of the promise of Dora underwear, I decided to accept my fate and switch camps (at least in parenting).

I've been bribing ever since.

This time around it's Fruit Loops. The only way David will sit on the toilet is if Claire or I fill a small cup of Fruit Loops for him to munch on while he sits...and does nothing. I'm trying to convince myself that at least getting him to sit on the toilet is progress enough for now.

But then, after he enjoyed his 6 Fruit Loops and did nothing on the toilet, he got off and ran around his bedroom. Naked. And then proceeded to pee on the carpet.

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