Sunday, March 30, 2008

Of fairy tales and gender stereotypes

On the weekends I go for morning runs with a few other women who live in my neighborhood. I've been doing this for about a year now and have come to really look forward not only to the chance to get some exercise but also to talk with these women, all of whom are very smart and thoughtful.

This morning we talked about reading fairy tales to our kids. Should we? Which versions? I've been reading a book on children's literature by a Regent prof and she strongly advocates for fairy tales (in their original versions) so that children can learn about right and wrong, good and evil, so that they can develop their moral framework for the world.

I think she's right. The "Disney-fication" of fairy tales with their watered down plot lines and characters is abominable.

But, even the original versions of these fairy tales are culturally based. Some are just so graphic (is that right for my kids to read a story about suffocating an old mother? about baking little kids?) and some have definite gender and ethnic stereotyping if not prejudice (e.g. villains are often the "dark skinned" ones)

Ah. What to do? Ignorance is indeed bliss.

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