Tuesday, April 1, 2008

David's favorite books

When David finds a book he enjoys, he wants to it read to him over and over and over. And then over again.

We've been through the book entitled Cow(Doyle/Rinaldi). David knew every single page and had hand motions or noises to go with each one.

Now, it's Caps for Sale (Slobodkina), or "the monkey book" as David likes to call it. He acts out the monkeys. So very naturally.

He's also a big fan of the No David! series (Shannon). I worry that he's been getting ideas from these books, particularly the one about running naked down the street. He has yet to run outside naked but he loves to run around the house. Talking all his clothes off while playing in the attic and then doing somersaults, much to the amusement of Claire's three friends who were over at the time, was pure bliss for him.

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