Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Festival of Faith and Writing

For the third time, I took a baby with me to Calvin's biannual Festival of Faith and Writing. In 2004, it was with 4 month old Claire. In 2006, it was with 2 month old David. This past weekend it was with Jacob.

I always enjoy going to this festival. It's just fun to be around other people who love literature. It's inspiring to hear what smart and gifted writers have to say. And, it's always a blast to hang out with my mom, her friend Willene, and my sisters (when they can come). This year, Sarah and Mom Van Duinen came.

This year I went to many of the sessions geared toward children's/young adult literature. It was a new experience for me. In the past, I've always gone to hear authors that I have read for my own personal enjoyment (e.g. David James Duncan, Annie Dillard. Elie Wiesel, Chaim Potok, Anne LaMott). This year, because I'm teaching a children's literature course and will be teaching a young adult literature course, I experienced a whole new Festival dimension. I attended sessions led by Jon Muth, Kadir Nelson, Carole Weatherford, Joan Bauer among others.

And, as I stood in the back of the rooms where these sessions were held, holding Jacob and trying to keep him relatively quiet, I realized that I have my kids to thank for this new experience. I made the decision to teach a children's literature course at MSU because it seemed the most logical thing to do. I was reading books to my kids. Why not teach a course about children's books?

I never thought I would enjoy either of them so much.

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