Friday, April 4, 2008

Is it too early to tell?

Jon and I think that David will be the class clown.

Honestly, the kid will do anything for a laugh. He will even laugh himself. And, once he starts laughing, it's pretty darn hard not to laugh right along with him.

On Thursday it was jungle day at Claire's preschool. On the way home from picking her up, Claire and I were talking about what she learned. With Claire, it's sometimes hard to get an answer or response on demand. Yesterday was one of those times. I asked her if she learned about cows. After much silence, she said "No". I asked if she learned about lions. She said, in her quiet voice, "Yes". Then I asked if she talked about pigs. Before I could respond, David started snorting like a pig over and over and over. That was funny. But what was even funnier was that in trying to snort like a pig, David uses his whole body and in his excitement, sometimes when he tries to snort, no noise comes out.

He made us all laugh. How I love that kid.